Hi, I’m Susan.
I am a certified personal trainer with over a decade of experience working with people 55 years and over. My background in dance, dance therapy, Yoga, Tai Chi, Crossfit, and other movement and fitness modalities combine to provide a deep perspective. I have additional certifications in Corrective Exercise, Senior Fitness, and Exercise for Brain Health.
My fitness philosophy is practical: what do you want or need to be able to do? My approach, therefore, is functional. Many older adults simply want to continue to enjoy the things that have enjoyed throughout their lives: family, travel, sports, gardening, etc. They want to be free of pain and they want to be independent. My programs address these particular concerns.
Featured Product
Spry Fitness courses focus on a specific concern of older adulthood and gives information and exercise experiences to address the concern.
Diane S
“Susan sets the bar high enough that I feel challenged but not so high that I give up. I have become much more physically fit. My increased flexibility, endurance and balance allow me to play with my grandchildren and safely negotiate yard and household tasks."
Karen C
"I don't love to exercise, but I know it's good for me. It's good to feel good. And Susan always seems to know just what I need."